Global Fund/Kenya Red Cross Funded Program

CREADIS / Global Fund/Kenya Red Cross Funded Program

Project title: Expanding HIV prevention, Care and Treatment services to reach Universal Access (80% coverage) to reduce both incidence and the associated impact

Goal: Contribute to achieving vision 2030 through universal access to comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment and care for all



  1. To reduce new HIV infections by 75%
  2. To reduce AIDs related mortality by 50%
  3. Reduce HIV related stigma and discrimination to less than 25%


Bungoma County

Key activities:

  1. Capacity building of Community Volunteers in home based care, ART treatment literacy, Human Rights and the Law, Documentation of Human rights violations, Home and community based care for HIV and COVID 19.
  2. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV activities including follow up on Highly Exposed Infants by Expert mothers
  3. Human rights activities to create awareness to stakeholders and the people living with HIV on their rights and referral pathways and providing legal support to affected PLHIVs.
  4. Awareness creation campaigns on COVID-19 and vaccination


Results / impact:

  1. Improved retention of clients on care
  2. Initiated support groups in facilities for PMTCT mothers, adolescents and pediatrics
  3. Improvement in viral load suppression among clients
  4. Stigma and discrimination reduction among clients
  5. Program has enhanced disclosure of status to partners and family members
  6. Program support has helped MOH identify key issues among clients especially during home visits which conflict information given by clients and documented in their files
  7. Established HCBC desks at facility level where community health volunteers (CHVs) provide health education and enhance bonding of community and facility.
  8. Enhanced defaulter tracing through linkage of clients to community volunteers
  9. Enhanced behavior change among communities witnessed through referrals and increased numbers of people seeking for a wide range of health services